Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 89-92 Unpack, pack, drag suitcase to car, unpack, pack, drag suitcase to car...

Day 89 - March 2 - Tuesday - Load in and show in Rochester, NY
It's a nice theatre with plenty of room in the dressing rooms and plenty of room on dcck...this makes for a nice load in.  I spent some extra time today making some dressing room number signs for the doors because the dressing rooms aren't numbered...this tends to make me a little crazy.  The signs turned out lovely and I was off to put up the name plates and move along my day. 

Within the hour I had been attacked by whatever illness had been taking out our cast, crew, and band. I had been fighting it off for the past two months and this morning it body slammed me.  I threw down some cold and flu medicine hoping to catch it early and by evening started feeling a little more alive.

The show seemed to go by pretty quickly then it was off to sleep and kick the rest of this cold. 

Day 90 - March 3 - Wednesday - 1 show
I spent the entire day drinking water and napping and successfully won the fight!!! Woo Hooo!!!! I'm BACK!

Day 91 - March 4 - Thursday - 1 show and load out, travel to Buffalo, NY
Today I wrote a letter of reference for one of my cast members from the Disney Wonder and it was so nice to revisit the memories of working with her.  I packed up again and got ready to drag my suitcases down to the car.  When you are on tour for 8 months it takes a lot to live day by day out of your suitcase.  I officially have too much stuff now.  I have a big suitcase full of clothes, a big suitcase full of kitchen supplies, a small suitcase full of books and a duffle bag I use for laundry.  I need to send stuff home...soon....before my back breaks. 

Day 92 - March 5 - Friday - Load in and show in Buffalo, NY
I'm up at 7am and would normally go for a jog on a load in morning, but yesterday I moved onto my 3rd week of my 10 week plan and my legs are needing a recovery day.  The pain is a good pain...I've grown to love it. xo

Love and peace,

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